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Tools for coning and threading

SITEC tools for coning and threading high pressure tubing

Tubing sizes 1/8" - 1/4" - 3/8" - 9/16" - 11/16"
Tubing sizes (metric) 6 - 10 - 14 - 18 mm

Manual coning tools

Features and advantages

Precision quality cones on all SITEC HP tubings. Optimum surface finish on the 57–58° sealing cone. Fast and easy manual machining with self-centering double cutter. Fine feed adjustment. One tool holder with interchangeable precision collets for all SITEC HP tubing sizes 1/8" to 9/16". Checking of the cutting operation and reliable chip removal by two body openings. Exchangeable cutters with three blades each for long service life. A special lubricant is supplied with each tool. All tools and components are available from stock.

Manual threading tools

Features and advantages

Reliable and fast machining of the left-hand threads on SITEC HP tubing ends. Precise threads concentric with the tubing cone. Same toolholder for the machining of all SITEC HP tubing sizes 1/8–9/16". Only exchange the die and the guide bushing for the corresponding thread size. Checking of the cutting operation and reliable chip removal through the two body openings. Tools in stainless steel. A special lubricant is supplied with each tool